Red sea peninsula
Red sea peninsula

red sea peninsula

Īwad AM, Almazroui M (2016) Climatology of the winter Red Sea. Īttada R, Dasari HP, Chowdary JS, Yadav RK, Knio O, Hoteit I (2019) Surface air temperature variability over the Arabian Peninsula and its links to circulation patterns. Īnnesi-Maesano I, Forastiere F, Kunzli N, Brunekref B (2007) Particulate matter, science and EU policy. Īlpert P, Osetinsky I, Ziv B, Shafir H (2004b) A new seasons definition based on classified daily synoptic systems: an example for the Eastern Mediterranean. Īlpert P, Osetinsky I, Ziv B, Shafir H (2004a) Semi-objective classification for daily synoptic systems: application to the eastern Mediterranean climate change.

red sea peninsula

Īlmazroui M, Awad AM, Islam NM, Al-Khalaf AK (2015) A climatological study: wet season cyclone tracks in the East Mediterranean region. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 94:515–528Īlmazroui M, Awad AM (2016) Synoptic regimes associated with the eastern Mediterranean wet season cyclone tracks. Remote Sens Environ 27:129–133Īlharbi BH, Maghrabi A, Tapper N (2013) The March 2009 dust event in Saudi Arabia: precursor and supportive environment. Commonly, dust RSTs are atmospherically integrated systems with pronounced circulation (downward motion in the eastern AP and upward motion in the western AP), a vertical westward trough tilt, horizontal tropical–extratropical interactions and north–south orientations of pressure/geopotential isolines.Īckerman SA (1989) Using the radiative temperature difference at 3.7 and 11 mm to track dust outbreaks. When the RST is relatively strong, i.e., the situation has a pronounced wavy zonal and meridional pressure gradient area, it produces conditions favorable for transporting dust around the Red Sea. The synoptic study shows that the condition favorable for transporting dust westward into the AP occurs when an interaction is produced between the low pressure over the southern AP and Sudan low and forms a wavy zonal pressure gradient.

red sea peninsula

The synoptic characteristics of the RSTs associated with dust events that influenced the northern and western Arabian Peninsula (AP) were studied using each dust category (i.e., comparing dust and non-dust cases) and were compared between the different categories (i.e., comparing the dust cases among short, moderate and long categories). The identified dust cases were used to classify each RST category into two classes, dust RSTs and non-dust RSTs. The dust events during the study period were identified using a threshold value of the Total Ozone Monitoring Satellite (TOMS) aerosol index (AI). The results indicated that most short RSTs appeared during a cold spring (larger by 7% in March than May), while most long RSTs appeared during a warm spring, where reached 71.7% in April and May. From 1979 to 2006, the Red Sea trough (RST) in spring was objectively detected and classified into three categories (short, moderate and long) depending on its northward extension.

Red sea peninsula